
Interactive TV MetaMirror

Интерактивное телевидение MetaMirror (3 фото)

Today, we can at any time to download from the web or watch online any movie , TV series or TV shows, but television as such is still the same as it was 50 or more years ago. Digital technologies are radically transforming its might , but nobody knows how . His version of the proposed new concept of Irish employees studio Notion - Interactive TV MetaMirror, a software platform that allows parallel with broadcasting to connect to a network resource through a tablet like the Apple iPad and receive the necessary contextual information for every detail in the frame. It can be any member of the team , when on television is a football match , and a detailed recipe with ingredients dish that is prepared on the television show .

Интерактивное телевидение MetaMirror (3 фото)
Интерактивное телевидение MetaMirror (3 фото)

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